View only access

View only access

This article will show you how the ‘Reporting – view only’ option will look.  This is for Heads of Department, Teachers, or any other staff that need to be able to access information that show who has/hasn’t paid for items that relate to them.

Any staff that are assigned ‘view only’ rights will be able to access information, to see who has paid in full, part paid or not paid at all, for any items that sit under the particular payable category assigned.

They will only be able to view this information on the screen, or export as an excel or CSV file.
They will NOT be able to edit any of this information on Payables.

School administrator, to set up a 'view only' staff member, please visit article: Reporting – view only option.

The unique link will be emailed to you from you school administrator once you have been set-up.
Please bookmark this unique link to use it again in the future.  

1.    Use the unique link that has been emailed to you and the following page will display:

2.  Select All or Selected from the first drop-down box.  All will show you every item or selected allows you to choose one or multiple items using the Ctrl option (Command for apple) and your mouse to select.

3. Select your preferred viewing option from Paid / Part Paid and Unpaid. You can have just one selected, two selected or all three selected.

4. Select how you would like to view the information:

On-screen – appears in room number order.

Excel. One worksheet per room – each room is displayed in a different tab in the excel workbook.

Excel. One worksheet per ledger code – each ledger code is displayed in a different tab in the workbook.

All in one CSV worksheet – appears in room number order.

5. Click Run Report.  Note: Report may take up to 10 seconds to run.  If using the Excel or CSV options, you will then need to click Download Results.

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