IRD approved donation receipts are automatically generated from Kindo, for any item that the school has marked as a donation. You can view your donation receipts from the my orders tab.
2. Select 'My Orders'.
4. Use the drop-down menu to select 'Donation Receipts' as your record type.
5. Select the date range you require - all the dates are already set to coincide with the tax years, so pick the year you are working on from the drop-down menu.
6. This will bring up all the donations you have made over that tax year.
7. Select 'Download Summary for IRD tax return'
8. This will create a PDF that you can then save and attach to your tax return.
1) Kindo cannot change the details on your donation receipt, so please ensure your Account Holder name is correct BEFORE paying any donations.
2) Donation receipts will only be issued for items that the school has nominated as a 'donation'.